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Branch Policies


Program Policy

a.  The program committee will make arrangements for refreshments to be served as needed. Branch members who wish to volunteer to serve should contact the Program VP.


Donation Policy

a.  At the time of the Holiday Auction it is requested that each member contribute an item or a service to be auctioned. If no physical donation is made then a monitory contribution to the treasury of the Branch is expected.


b. When a branch fund-raiser is scheduled, each member shall participate in the planning of or implementation of the event(s).


·Reservation Policy

a. All reservations made for dinners must be honored. If a reservation is cancelled after the specified deadline, the member shall pay for the reservation.


·Membership Dues Policy

a. Dues are payable to the treasurer yearly. Members have the option of paying dues in full or in two equal installments. The first installment is due in April and the second is due by June 1.


b. Requests may be submitted to the membership VP who shall in turn submit them for consideration by the President, VP Membership and Treasurer.


·Board Policy

a. Board members shall be reimbursed for stamps, stationery, mileage (at current IRS volunteer rate) and other approved expenses incurred while carrying out their responsibilities.


b. Board meetings shall be open to branch members.


 Convention and Workshop Policy

a. Registration fees for all voting delegates attending State conventions shall be paid by the branch. Registration fees for all members attending AAUW workshops shall be paid by the Branch, except fees for workshops held locally shall be paid at the discretion of the Board. Members are responsible for any meals charged separately from registration.


b. Members shall receive mileage reimbursements as stated in Board Policy, provided, however, that Members shall carpool when there are multiple attendees so that mileage reimbursements are minimized. In the event that carpooling is not utilized or not utilized in the most efficient manner (four persons per vehicle is considered the most efficient), the Board shall have the discretion to reduce and pro-rate the amount of mileage reimbursements amongst attendees so that the total amount paid doesn’t exceed the total that would have been incurred in the event that carpooling had been utilized in the most efficient manner.


c. Voting branch delegates to the State convention shall be reimbursed for lodging. Lodging reimbursements will be based upon two (2) occupants per room when possible. Any member electing not to share a room shall be limited to 50% of the room rate as a lodging reimbursement. In the event that the total amount of lodging reimbursements when calculated shall exceed the amount budgeted by the branch, the Board shall have the discretion to reduce and pro-rate the amount of lodging reimbursements amongst attendees so that the total amount paid does not exceed the amount budgeted. Additionally, the Board shall have the discretion to increase the amount expended for lodging reimbursements beyond what is provided for in the budget based upon available funds.


d. The Branch shall budget yearly to maintain a fund of $500 per branch delegate eligible to attend the next biannual, national Association convention. This fund will be used to offset costs of Association convention up to $500 per delegate attending. The fund shall be kept in an interest-bearing account to accrue until expended.


Conducting of Meetings Policy

a. Branch meetings shall be conducted according to

Roberts Rules of Order.


b. We ask that as a courtesy, members and guests turn off their cell phones during branch events and meetings.


Educational Gifts Policy

The Branch shall contribute financial support to the following:

a. AAUW Educational Foundation


b. Legal Advocacy Fund


c. Community projects reflecting and supporting the AAUW



Branch Membership Policy

a. The branch membership list shall not be made available for any type of solicitation.


Fundraising Policy

a. For every fundraising activity by the RW branch, it needs to be indicated in emails, advertising, posters etc,  where the money is going, i.e. National - State - Local Branch project and what % goes where. If the purpose is not stated, it is understood the dollars will go to the National AAUW as unrestricted.

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